Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
Families Following Christ
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church was planted through the cooperative effort of the Circuit of Missouri Synod congregations in the Nashville area and the Mid-South District. Our first regular worship services began in August of 1998.
The Lord has brought a wide range of families to Prince of Peace. Yet we want any person - married or single, young or old - who is seeking an honest and loving relationship with God to join us on Sunday mornings and become a part of our church family. We aren’t concerned with what church you’ve belonged to in the past, if you haven’t been in church for a long time, or if this is your first church to ever visit, we’re just glad that God is leading you to seek Him.
Our worship is firmly rooted in the Lutheran traditions. The sermons proclaim the timeless truths of the Bible, especially the grace-filled message of Jesus Christ’s unconditional love for all people. God continues to grow our faith and spiritual depth in many wonderful ways.
Opportunities to grow in God’s love and service abound at Prince of Peace. Ministries are available to the whole family - adults, teens, and children. There are plenty of possibilities to get involved in the mission of our church.
Worship begins at 9:15 a.m. A nursery for young children is available on Sundays.
Our adult and teen Bible classes and children’s Sunday school classes meet at 10:30 a.m.